domingo, agosto 20, 2006

Leitura de férias

Para os que gostam do género policial, uma obra despretensiosa, interessante retrato da Lisboa do primeiro quartel do século XX . Uma boa leitura de férias (ou para o que resta delas). Falo por mim

"O homem da Carbonária", de Carlos Ademar (campo das Letras)


sexta-feira, agosto 18, 2006

The invisble pink unicorn

The Invisible Pink Unicorn (blessed be her holy hooves) is a fictional female deity in the form of a unicorn. The goddess was invented at the usenet discussion group alt.atheism as an alternative to other parody deities like Church of the SubGenius "J.R. Bob Dobbs" or Eris of the Discordianism. Quoting from the alt.atheism FAQ:
Like most Goddesses, she's invisible and highly unlikely to exist. However, there is much argument as to her exact colour, her shape and size, and other properties of her nonexistence. She burns with anger against theists, and allegedly grinds them beneath her holy hooves.
The "believers" famous sayings about faith in the invisible pink unicorn is that, like other religions, it is founded in science and faith. Science - that states that she must be invisible, since we cannot see her. Faith - because we know in our heart that the invisible pink unicorn exists. This is of course a parody of the theological reasoning of other religions

in Wilkipedia

por AP

quarta-feira, agosto 09, 2006

unicorónio invísível cor-de-rosa

The Virtual -Temple of the Invisible Pink Unicorn

"The Invisible Pink Unicorns is a being of great spiritual power. We know
this because she is capable of being invisible and pink at the same time.
Like all religions, the Faith of the Invisible Pink Unicorn is based
upon both logic and faith. We have faith that she is pink; we logically
know that she is invisible because we can't see her."
